This great bible study by Michael Hoggard on the number seven will show you the value that God places on the number seven. And on the time line in “The Judgment of Babylon” and in the chapter The Incredible Sevens you will see how the time chart adds up to God’s word.

By, Michael Hoggard,


Focusing on the church and its association with the number 77, we notice that the word “passover(s)” is found exactly 77 times in the King James Bible. We must not assume that there is a correlation between these two until we see what the Scriptures reveal: “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him…” (Romans 6:6). “…Ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us” (1 Corinthians 5:7).

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me…” (Galatians 2:20). “And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh…” (Galatians 5:24) There is indeed a scriptural connection between the Passover and the church. And we also see how these various patterns can and must be used to gain a better understanding of the Scriptures. Since we do see a relationship between the church and the sacrifice of the Passover, we are not surprised to find that the symbol of our sacrifice, when we were baptized, is also similarly related. You will find all the forms of the word “baptize” exactly 77 times in the Scriptures as well: “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?” (Romans 6:3).

There are other phrases that the Scriptures associate with Christ and His Church. In Exodus 29:5, God calls His people a “peculiar treasure”. The word “peculiar” is found 7 times and is always associated with God’s special people. John 4:23 speaks of the “true worshippers”. “Worshippers” is also found 7 times. Ephesians 2:10 tells that “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus”. The word “workmanship” is found 7 times. The Scriptures proclaim that we as the church are His witnesses, along with a great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1). The word “witnesses” is found exactly 49 (7 x 7) times in the King James Bible!

In Luke, chapter ten, Jesus sends out a group of witnesses referred to as “the seventy”. They are sent out to compel all who would to follow them in salvation and become part of the “kingdom of God”. This phrase is referred to 70 times in the Scriptures. This combines the two perfect numbers of 7 for perfection, and 10 for divine authority. Along with this same pattern we find the word “King” (with a capital “K”) 70 times in the KJV.

Finally, let’s examine the phrase that was placed over the Cross when Christ was crucified. When we look in each of the four Gospels we find a different inscription given. Some would point to this and say that the Bible is inaccurate because of the differences. However, when we view them numerically, we find that each one of them points directly to the perfect order contained in the Scriptures. Listed are these inscriptions:


There are a total of 28 words in the above inscriptions. This number is a product of 7 for perfection, and 4 for the Gospels. When Pilate was asked to change the words that were written, Pilate responded with a 7-word proclamation: “What I have written I have written” (John 19:22).

There are those who will not believe, even when faced with these amazing facts. There is no way that these numerical patterns could have crept in by chance or human design. They were placed there by an Almighty God; a God Who wanted all of mankind to know His special secrets. These are revealed to us in this most special of all books. You may deny some of my conclusions, but you cannot deny that these patterns exist.

If in the course of my study I had encountered one or two of these patterns, I might not have thought too much about them. But, as you can clearly see, the evidence is overwhelming, and is growing day by day. There has not been a single time when I dedicated myself, my time, and my study to the Lord, relying on His inspiration, that I have not been shown more of His signature in the King James Bible. It is my hope that all who discover these wonderful truths will also come to revere this most special of all books the way I have.



  1. Pingback: THE NUMBER 7, GODS COMPLETION AND DIVINE NUMBER. | The Judgment of Babylon

  2. Seems as tho I’ve heard that the Automic Clock was recently set at 7 minutes to Midnight….that’s getting a bit TOO close to Postpone a Set Decision if we’re going to make one!!!

  3. Thank you for your study of Almighty Gods Word. Most of all I want to thank you for sharing your findings with the rest of us.

  4. In Hebrew does the inscription “This is Jesus the King of……….” still add up to 28 words??

    I am a born-again Christian that was interested in purchasing the “Judgement of Babylon” book until I read the info above.

    God is Great enough that people shouldn’t have to see your numerical patterns in order to convince themselves that God exists.

    It is reaching to say that (in the English language) God made that inscription 28 words long because He wanted it to be 7 words long multiplied by 4 because there’s 4 Gospels. REALLY?? Is that the best stuff you got in your battle on behalf of our Creator??

    Get real, while you may or may not be right, this shouldn’t be what people care about! And I don’t think Yahweh does either – a believer’s time is better spent praying, reading the Word, etc. Talk about something that’s “meat and potatoes” with substance. This is crap that made me want to not buy your book anymore with my thought process being “if you’re willing to put forth flawed arguments in regards to the number of words in an English phrase that was translated from Hebrew or Aramaic then how could I ever trust your arguments in “The Judgement of Babylon” to not be flawed arguments as well.

    What a pity, I really wanted to read “The Judgement of Babylon”.

  5. You say that Pilate spoke seven words (‘What I have written, I have written…’ But that’s in English – in your translation. In the Greek, it’s only 6 words.

  6. Don’t really put 100 percent of my feelings on any of this social media’s forums but it is interesting to read and the message Mario brought where ivseen this I thotcwas a real message from our heavenly father until the songvthunderstruck came on like a ringtone and if it wasn’t one of Satan’s ploy to distract ppl then I don’t have no respect for that guy either butcthank you for the thot

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